Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Displaying Courses for Users

How to display courses for users is an ever growing and sometimes changing issue. When I started managing this system the courses were displayed on a manually managed page. Each course was listed below the last course created and permissions were determined on a course by course basis. This was very confusing and hard to manage.

Now I am using categories to manage the courses and permissions. I set up access by who is going to take or is required to take the course.

Optional Courses
- All Employees
- Field Office Employees
- Supervisors
- Corporate

Required Courses
- All Employees
- Field Office Employees
- Supervisors
- Corporate

This allows me to manage the permissions to view the course. I would like to combine the courses into one course catalog and just notate which course is required in the description but we aren't there yet.

How do you display your courses? How to you set up your course categories?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Blog

This is a new blog for me. I have many different interests but I will try to focus professionally for this blog. If you would like an update on my life, find me on Facebook.